I have received numerous submissions for this Internet/book project, and it is my sincere hope that I will receive hundreds, or even thousands more. "I Never Got to Say..." submissions have been divided into categories (i.e. "Handwritten Entries," "To Parents...," "To Extended Family...," etc.) which are located on a links list on the left.

Entries are still being accepted. Your submissions can be made anonymously or you can include your name. Please note that if you send your submission to me via private e-mail, Facebook or Twitter message, you need to specify whether or not you would like your name to be attached. However, I will include the author's name on submissions made publicly via blog, Facebook, or Twitter comments Submissions can be handwritten or typed if mailed to me. Entries can vary in length, however I reserve the right to take excerpts from them.

I encourage you to take part in this Internet/book project. Working on this project has helped me channel my grief over my mother's passing into something positive. I hope that writing your "I Never Got to Say..." messages will bring you the same peace.

-Kimberly Back